This Aussie Plus-Size Brand Is Coming To The States — Rejoice!

Even if we can all agree that plus-size fashion has improved leaps and bounds over the past several years, there are still a few bones we have to pick. Namely: Where are all the stand-alone stores? No clothes horse should be pigeonholed as an online-only shopper against her will.
Australia-based plus-size brand City Chic is opening six brick-and-mortar outposts stateside, making that store-shaped hole in our hearts a little smaller. Obviously, we're thrilled at the prospect of being able to buy its wares in person. Besides touching and trying on all the same styles that you can currently pick through online, customers will be able to speak with expert team members for advice on fits and choosing the most flattering silhouettes. Save the guessing games and ordering-multiple-sizes charade for other sites.
The handful of stores will open between August and the end of September in various California locations. While we can’t deny that we’re jealous out here on the East Coast, we’re hopeful that if the boutiques do well on the West Coast, a national expansion can't be far behind. If, like us, you're still relegated to a vicarious shopping outing, check out interior shots ahead and a few offerings we're considering traveling to Cali for the chance to buy.