Parents On Social Media: 9 Hilarious, Real Interactions

In 2007, Mark Zuckerberg changed the world: He invited our parents to join Facebook.
After scrambling to "make private" those questionable college photos, we relaxed a bit. What's the worst that could happen? It's not like our parents will even create an account.
How wrong we were.
You see, while your relationship with things social media has evolved over time, your parents habits have remained the same. Where you've swapped out status updates for content sharing, your mom still uses the Zuckerberg creation to share deep thoughts on what the dog is doing. Or, maybe she's using it to say how #blessed she's feeling after a weekend with the family. This, of course, pales in comparison to the way your grandfather posts on your timeline in only capital letters. When it comes to Twitter, your dad can totally handle the 140-character limit, but follows only you and your siblings. So, his feed functions more like a group text.
The crazy thing is we're no longer embarrassed by this stuff. In fact, we've come to feel quite proud of how strange (read: hilarious) our family can be online. Ahead, nine social media interactions too good not to share.