If you needed proof that the Internet isn't just cat photos and snark, look no further than (of all places) Reddit. This weekend, father Nathan Steffel posted a photo of his baby daughter to the website, along with the request that users Photoshop it. His request was personal rather than cosmetic; the post reads, "My daughter passed away after a long battle in the children's hospital. Since she was in the hospital her whole life, we never were able to get a photo without all her tubes. Can someone remove the tubes from this photo?"
Chronic illness touches all parts of a family's life, and the tubes, hospital rooms, and other indicators of disease can make it impossible to forget the harsh reality.
The original photo shows Steffel's daughter, Sophia, laying on her side and staring straight into the camera. Although the tubes kept Sophia alive for six weeks, she died on July 10 of a liver tumor.
Steffel was unprepared for the outpouring of support that followed his post. Responses came flooding in, with Redditors posting reworked photos and even drawings of a healthier, yet just as serene, Sophia for Steffel to remember. Click through for a glimpse at the beautiful gift the Internet gave Nathan Steffel.