The Joe Manganiello we know and drool over today is six feet, five inches of rippling muscle and salt-and-pepper scruff. People named him Hollywood's Hottest Bachelor. He even wrote a book about his diet and exercise regimen; perhaps after tiring of constantly answering questions about how exactly one gets to look like...well, take a gander to the left. He's also one half of a rumored genetically blessed couple — the other half being Sofia Vergara.
The empirical evidence is in: Joe Manganiello is a hunky beefcake of man-loaf. You can't argue with science.
We previously operated under the assumption that Joe had sprung forth from the womb in his current form — or at least some shadow of it. But, this is not the case. Joe Manganiello was once an awkward, gawky kid with glasses. Conan O'Brien showed the photographic proof on last night's show.
You might want to pad the floor before you look at this.
Okay, here we go.

Much like a man becoming a werewolf, the transformation of that skinny kid into present-day Manganiello is simply astonishing. That gawky boy on the left would later play a character called "Big Dick Richie" in a movie about male strippers. Again, a visual of what that tiny baller morphed into:
What's the moral of the story, kids? That even a shrimpy, little duckling can blossom into a tall, handsome swan we want to climb like a tree. (Uproxx)