Shakira's hips don't lie, nor do her Facebook numbers. One-hundred-million apologies for that terrible opening. Coincidentally, 100 million is also the number of Likes Shakira has on her Facebook fan page (100,051,699 as of writing, actually). This monumental figure makes her the undisputed queen of the 'book.
How do you get to be the most popular person on Facebook? You get personal. Shakira blasts updates about her adorable son, performing at the World Cup, and what it's like behind the scenes at The Voice. She often signs her updates "Shak," indicating that she writes them herself, just like one of your friends. Well, if one of your friends also had a fully staffed social media team composing all the other updates.
Still, it's tiny personal flourishes like "Shak" that allows the singer to "interact meaningfully with (fans) on a regular basis," as she told the Wall Street Journal. And, fans do indeed eat up said interaction. Her page has four times the engagement than Eminem's, a comparison the WSJ picked that makes us chuckle. You know who we don't often think of in the same sentence? Shakira and Eminem. Facebook is the great uniter, it seems. The pop star and the rapper were almost neck-and-neck in the race to 100 million Likes.
Shakira got there first, though. (Sorry, Marshall.) Let's all hail the undisputed queen of Facebook. She's there for fans whenever, wherever. Ahead, some of the singer's updates that helped her ascend the Facebook throne. (Wall Street Journal)