School Of Doodle Is The Project Kickstarter Was Created For

Kickstarter campaigns can sometimes be a hard sell (we're looking at you, potato salad.) But, every so often we come across a fundraiser worth getting excited about. Enter: School of Doodle.
School of Doodle is an art lab that offers a peer-to-peer learning environment for girls. Molly Logan and Elise Van Middelem, the project's founders, like to call it "a high school for imagination." They came up with the idea when they noticed the dwindling funding for the arts in school, even though research shows having a creative environment does wonders for both the imagination and developing education. So, they pooled their savings for their dream project. Now, they need help to launch the site.
"We started School of Doodle because we passionately believe in the power of the arts to develop imagination leading to critical life skills like self-expression, confidence, curiosity, and optimism," the founders told us in an interview. "And, it is our collective responsibility to empower the next generation of women to live loudly and unapologetically. Imagination is the key."
They're not alone in that feeling of responsibility. The two have partnered with a group of killer spokespeople, whom they've dubbed Loud Women. They include Natasha Lyonne, Courtney Love, Garance Doré, Pussy Riot, Sarah Silverman, and Sophia Amoruso. Plus, School of Doodle teachers include Derek Blasberg Marina Abramović, and Salman Rushdie. In other words, they're not messin' around.
Molly and Elise have big plans for Doodle, but they know it's really up to the girls to take it to the next level. "This is a community for teen girls where they will decide what shape we take and where we take it." Check out the Kickstarter campaign below, and donate here.

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