Nicole Richie Gets Real About Marriage On Oprah

nicolerichie-oprah-embedPhoto: Via @nicolerichie.
Nicole Richie has always been an open book. Heck, she has a reality show called #CandidlyNicole. Still, you rarely see Richie addressing the more serious, matter-of-fact parts of life. After all, a starlet discussing her views on what makes a marriage work might not make the best reality TV. Unless the reality show in question is Couples Therapy With Dr. Drew.
Enter the confessional queen Oprah. On a recent episode of Oprah: Where Are They Now?, the host got Nicole to open up about the ins and outs of her marriage to Joel Madden. It's not a subject Richie often brings up, but it's always on her mind. The couple puts a lot of effort into their relationship and actively tries to create a healthier family life than the ones in which they were raised.
"[F]rom the second we found out we were going to be parents together, we looked at each other and we said, 'Okay, both of our parents are divorced. We both have had ups and downs with our parents, and we don't really have a strong example of what a healthy family life is. But, we're recognizing that now, so let's work at it and let's go through this together as a team,'" Richie explained to Oprah, noting that it's the "easiest and hardest part" of her marriage.
That agreement, which Joel and Nicole made when she found out she was pregnant with Harlow, is still in effect. The couple has been married for three-and-a-half years — and together for over six — so it's working. Who knew the star of The Simple Life would provide today's dose of #knowledge about a healthy relationship? Oprah truly works in mysterious ways. (E! Online)

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