Julia Louis-Dreyfus is a joy — a national treasure, really. Just like our most important historical document. Which, combined with her general delightfulness, got her locked out of Facebook for trying to post this naked photo of herself as a baby.
Here's what happened: The April Rolling Stone cover featured the Veep star with a (fake) tattoo of the Constitution on her back and John Hancock's signature on the bottom. There was one problem, though: John Hancock didn't sign the Constitution. He signed the Declaration of Independence. Whoops.
Louis-Dreyfus wanted to play the oversight off with the ol' "I've always had John Hancock's signature on my back," but when she went to post this photo on Facebook, she got locked out. "I try to get back on my Facebook and it's like, 'Insensitive material! Inappropriate!'" she told David Letterman on Thursday. "They think I'm a pervert...I can't get into my account."
She still has a Facebook account, so we take it she did not get kicked off. But, there also isn't a naked baby in sight. (Business Insider)