Justin Timberlake is bringing kindness back. The crooner recently stopped a concert to lead an audience of 25,000 people in singing happy birthday to a boy named Julian.
Gossip Cop reports that all Julian wanted for his eighth birthday was to go to a Justin Timberlake concert. But, his parents were concerned the experience was a little too adult for the young fan. They also worried that Julian, who is autistic, "might be disruptive to fellow attendees."
Not only did their worrying turn out to be for naught, but Julian's Timberlake concert experience turned into one he'll surely never forget. During a quieter moment in the show, the people sitting near Julian's family helped get Timberlake's attention to inform him that it was Julian's birthday. Justin led an impromptu "Happy Birthday" singalong, and Julian's mom is forever grateful.
"I swear the light in his eyes when this world of people began to sing was so bright it must have been what got my eyes so unexpectedly teary, you know the way your eyes water when you look at the sun? All my mama worries had been for naught," she writes about the experience. "Everyone was embracing our boy in the way I was afraid they wouldn’t. Here we stood while thousands of people lifted him in song to celebrate the day he came into the world eight years ago."
Watch the beautiful moment right here. (Gossip Cop)