Your New Favorite Magazine Is Hot Off The Presses

Here's what happened: Two kickass ladies headed to the newsstand in search of a rad read, but left with nothing but disappointment. Being the resourceful types they are, these women chose to do something about it. They started their own, cooler magazine called Golly, the awesome first issue of which is now available on Kickstarter, ready to bring new life to a subway commute or coffee table near you.
Said kickass ladies behind Golly are Roxanne Fequiere, editor in chief and "a great proofreader," and Alley O'Shea, creative director and "terrible speller" (anyone else feeling the kismet?). In their hilarious Kickstarter video, Fequiere and O'Shea explain their disappointment with women's mags filled with "bags that cost more than [their] rent" and "do WHAT with a donut?!" sex tips. Golly is aimed at being a smarter, funnier, more diverse alternative (and it looks super cool, too).
The first issue features a Do The Right Thing-inspired fashion spread, an interview with a lady astronaut, environmentally conscious beauty reviews, and an epic roundtable discussion on how to succeed in publishing with the most excellent editors we know, including the women behind Sassy, Lucky, Jezebel, Jane, Rookie, Refinery29, and pretty much every other mag you've ever been obsessed with.
Fequiere and O'Shea financed the first issue out-of-pocket — but publishing ain't cheap. They're asking for your support to help create the next issues. Check out their Kickstarter here. And, depending on how generous you are, you can snag yourself a magazine, a mixtape, a denim tote, and all kinds of other Golly goodies.
Click ahead for a behind-the-scenes look at Golly's first issue. Because any magazine free of "Stars: They're Just Like Us!" headlines is one we can definitely get behind.