Aunts have been teaching their nieces and nephews helpful skills for generations. My great-aunt taught my mother how to prepare a seder for 40 people. My friend's aunt taught her a killer recipe for beer-garitas. I can't wait to teach my nephew how to binge-watch the crap out of Netflix. As I write this, it's becoming clear that I may not know what the word "helpful" means. This may be why I was the person selected to bring you this information about another, more famous aunt doing her young niece a solid.
Rihanna had herself a little selfie-palooza on Twitter yesterday. It was a teaching moment, though.
Teaching Her Majesty selfie faces
— Rihanna (@rihanna) August 21, 2014
It's just an aunt schooling her niece on one of modern life's most important skills. You're never too young to learn how to take a great selfie. We can't wait until RiRi's niece's object permanence skills finally develop, so she can put her aunt's tutelage to good use. It'll also be a great day when she stands up for the first time under her aunt's umbrella (ella ella...). (Just Jared)
Ahead, check out Rihanna and her niece's photo gallery. #typicalthursday #AuntyOhNaNa
— Rihanna (@rihanna) August 21, 2014
— Rihanna (@rihanna) August 21, 2014
She thinks my arm is a hammock
— Rihanna (@rihanna) August 21, 2014
#HerMajesty #AuntyOhNaNa
— Rihanna (@rihanna) August 21, 2014
Took Her Maje$ty to get her ears pierced today
— Rihanna (@rihanna) August 21, 2014
— Rihanna (@rihanna) August 21, 2014