Justin Bieber has garnered many titles. Some are accolades, like platinum-selling recording artist. Others highlight his less successful ventures, like "egg-throwing, sizzurp-drinking, DUI-collecting pop star." Now, the Biebs can officially add "worst SNL host" to his resumé.
In the expanded edition of Live From New York: An Uncensored History Of Saturday Night Live, former and current cast members share behind-the-scenes insights their fans crave. Bill Hader took this opportunity to call out Bieber. "I really didn't enjoy having Justin Bieber around," Hader says in the book. "He's the only one who lived up to the reputation. I think that's the only time I felt that way in eight years." And, that includes other candidates like Adam Levine.
Hader wasn't alone in his sentiments, either. Kate McKinnon says the singer "wasn't pleased" with her impression of him. That's a shame, because she's really got that one down to a science. Though we'll never know exactly what it was like to work with Bieber on set, it's clear that he's missing the only thing you really need to make an SNL appearance a success: the ability to poke fun at yourself. (NY Post)