Guys, the '90s are, like, so over. Throw your oversized flannels away and stash them Doc Martens because Katy Perry's got her mind on the Aughties and the Aughties on her mind.
Not only did Ms. "Roar" pull a Beyoncé and show up late, she showed up with the Neon God himself, Riff Raff, wearing all denim. In the span of one minute, Katy pulled a Bey and a Britney Spears. For, 13 years earlier, Spears & then-BF Justin Timberlake wore full-denim outfits to the VMAS. It was iconic. It was breathtaking. It was a look that could never be topped.
And, yet, here we are, topped. To be honest, it's all to do with Riff Raff because he's both the jester and the punchline. Oh, and before you go thinking these two strange bedfellows are dating, they're not. They have a song coming out together. No word as to the how much denim will be featured in the video, but there's already a 30% chance they've already run out of the material.