3 Ways Sofia Vergara Responded To #Platformgate

2Photo: Courtesy of NBC.
Sofia Vergara's Emmy night started on a high note. She humble-bragged about having too hot a boyfriend and other problems we'd gladly welcome. Then, somewhere between Emmy win one and five for Modern Family, Vergara's night took a turn — um, literally.
The television academy wanted to spice up an otherwise boring segment where Bruce Rosenblum educates viewers about the business behind your favorite shows (yawn). Vergara, upon request, silently but enthusiastically stood on a rotating platform, while Rosenblum dropped words like "diversity" and "storytelling." Her actions — namely, the willingness to turn around when Rosenblum said things like "behind the camera" — sent the Internet into paroxysms. With the force of a thousand tweets, viewers cried "objectification," "sexism," and "hot."
Vergara had no choice but to address the incident, herein referred to as #platformgate. She chose three different tactics:

1. Address The Press
Backstage at the Emmys, a reporter asked the actress if the stunt was "sexist and demeaning." Vergara replied: “I think its absolutely the opposite. It means that somebody can be hot and also be funny and make fun of herself." In her eyes, it wasn't objectification, because she was not only in on the joke, but seemingly in charge of it.

2. Consult Social Media
Vergara made two choice retweets about the situation. One was about how we all need to "lighten up." The other was her Entertainment Weekly interview. Then she posted a bunch of pictures of the Modern Family cast celebrating their wins. From Vergara's perspective, #platformgate was but a blip on her otherwise perfectly glorious night.

3. Blame The Rumor Mill
In the Emmy press room, Vergara also said she believes someone is spreading this sexism idea like a rumor. "I think it’s ridiculous that somebody started this — I know who she was — who has no sense of humor [and should] lighten up a little bit," she told reporters. Since #platformgate happened on live television, it doesn't really count as a rumor. But, if someone were launching an attack on her of this nature, it'd probably be the Illuminati, notorious feminist Joseph Gordon-Levitt, or Katie Couric.


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