While some of us labor on Labor Day, Mary-Kate Olsen will be riding in the 2014 Hampton Classic Horse Show in Bridgehampton, N.Y. Olsen has already ridden two horses in the week-long event, one named Uniek and another named Swagger. The former, apparently, did not want to jump, which resulted in a whopping score of zero for MKO.
Perhaps the odds would've been in her favor had this competition been, say, virtual. I was once a loyal player of Mary-Kate and Ashley's PlayStation game, Winners Circle, and found it incredibly easy to score. Granted, I was not on a horse named Uniek in the Hamptons, but still. A horse jump is a horse jump and first place is still first place.
Here's to hoping Olsen's score improves as the competition winds down. (She's already mastered the art of the Hover Horse, a skill destined for many memes to come.) Last year, she and a horse named Marvelous were "victorious in section B in the local hunter sections," after all. Perhaps all M-K needs is her other half in the audience. Multiple reports claim Ashley is nowhere to be found, though.
But, I know where she is — helping me get back in the winner's circle in my still-functioning PlayStation, where we're all champions. Happy Labor Day, indeed. (E!)