Liberty Ross Has Some Thoughts About Kristen Stewart

libertyross-embedPhoto: REX USA/Rob Latour.
"Time heals all wounds," you've heard that old maxim before. But, if you've ever been the victim of heartbreak, you probably wish the expression were more precise. How much time are we talking here, exactly? Will this hole of hurt ever be repaired? Today, we're finally able to bring you an answer: two years. We're basing that, of course, on scientific research into the case of Kristen Stewart, Rupert Sanders, Liberty Ross, and Robert Pattinson.
It's been two years since Stewart and her Snow White and the Huntsman director were caught kissing. After the unseemly smooch, both Stewart and Sanders released statements apologizing for their actions. Still, the event contributed to the demise of both Stewart's relationship with Robert Pattinson and Sanders' marriage to Liberty Ross.
That was in 2012. It's now 2014, and not only have Robert Pattinson and Liberty Ross moved on, they're both taking the high road when asked about the situation. This summer, Pattinson told Esquire U.K. that, "Shit happens, you know?" In the September issue of Harper's Bazaar U.K., Liberty Ross reveals that she's also adopted a "nobody's perfect" point of view.
"Today, I feel happier than I’ve ever felt, and I’m in such a great place. All of us are: My kids are great, Rupert’s amazing, we have all moved on and everyone is doing really well," Ross tells the magazine. "People need to learn to forgive. I have no problem with anyone involved. I’m completely compassionate, I really am. No life is perfect, we all have our problems and issues, and I believe that it’s good to be true to who you are."
To quote Ross, "It's amazing what two years does." Also amazing: The comments on Us Weekly's official timeline of the scandal, which purport the entire thing to be a hoax fabricated with the paparazzi. Someone call Olivia Pope to investigate. Actually, don't, because no one involved seems to care. (Harper's Bazaar U.K.)

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