It's hard to believe that Ryan Phillippe is the father of a teenager. It feels like just yesterday the ageless actor first leapt off the screen and into the pages of Tiger Beat. But, when Phillippe took to Twitter Tuesday to commemorate his daughter Ava's fifteenth birthday, he subsequently reminded all of us just how old we really are.
"15 yrs ago today, was my last [day] on The Way of the Gun. A helicopter waited off set to transport me from the 'Mexican brothel' in Utah to Cedars Sinai in Beverly Hills. With my stomach in knots, exhausted & dirty, covered in syrupy fake blood & shards of candy glass the heli[copter] found the pad and I was taken to an area to sterilize myself. I made it to my then wife's bedside w/ two hours to spare before. My baby girl first entered the world. 15 years ago I learned what love truly is," he tweeted.
Have you gotten all the "awws" out of your system yet? Good, so have we.
Not that you need any reminding, but his "then wife" is none other than Reese Witherspoon. The pair first met at the actress' 21st birthday party, before immortalizing their romance on-screen as star-crossed lovers in the cult classic Cruel Intentions.
The couple went on to have another child — a son named Deacon — before splitting in 2006, after Phillippe reportedly had an affair with costar Abbie Cornish.
Despite their troubles, Phillippe and Witherspoon have remained amicable, most likely for the sake of their children.
So, what have we learned today? Ryan Phillippe is a really good dad; and we're really, really old.
Happy birthday, Ava. (Us Weekly)