Clay Aiken Traded His Soul For This Statement

clay_embedPhoto: BEImages/Henry Lamb/Photowire.
North Carolina Congressional candidate Clay Aiken has little to no sympathy for those celebrities with hacked nudes. It's a fate they apparently deserved.
"Anybody who takes inappropriate pictures of themselves deserves exactly what they get," Aiken told The Washington Post.
In early September, a hacker released private images of celebrities including Ariana Grande, Lea Michele, and Jennifer Lawrence via the cloud. The hack spawned a slew of think pieces surrounding vulnerability, privacy, and how curious clicking is a form of violation. Law enforcement officials were contacted, while Apple strengthened its iCloud security. Meanwhile, the rest of us faced the moral dilemma of wanting to see what all the fuss was about and while knowing that it was a clear a violation of privacy. Could our own (theoretical) nudes be hacked, too? Think twice before snapping.
Despite believing the hack was a misstep on the takers part (oh, the ignorance), Aiken does think the hacker is at some fault, too. "Of course whoever [stole and released the photos] should be hogtied," he said, introducing a folksy new interrogation term into his budding political vernacular. "It's unfortunate that we don’t have Internet security right now or the laws in place to protect people from pirating that stuff," he says. Looks like this former American Idol didn't brush up on the State "Revenge Porn" Legislation. Oh well. What better way to learn than by becoming an elected official, eh? (Jezebel)

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