Join The Illuminati, One Soul For Fame & Fortune

Since May 1, 1776, the public has been acutely aware of the Illuminati's quiet infiltration of popular culture through subliminal messaging. The nuances are subtle, but that's the entire point. It's all hidden in plain view, and conspiracy theorists have spun their stories so well that arguing against its existence is a vicious circle with no settlement. The Illuminati is a skeptic's dream and faith's resident devil's advocate. Originally conceived to rid the world of superstition (holy irony), prejudice, and lessen the power of the Roman Catholic Church over everyday life, the secret society went underground.
Today, the notion of the Illuminati has become a gimmick — cocktail-party fodder that makes for entertaining conversation, but ultimately doesn't leave much of an impact. Perhaps that's because there really isn't anything we can do about it since it's been bestowing fabulous culture and worldly moments on us for years.
Becoming a member is, well, tricky. Some of us have been trying for years to join with no avail. How one sells their soul and who they sell said soul to isn't as easy as typing a phone number into Facebook and pulling up a name to message 'em. It takes devotion. It takes talent. But, most of all, it takes dogged dedication and a keen eye for details. Learn to see through the lens of the secret society, and the world is yours...maybe. Here's what to keep your peepers peeled for.

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