Jennifer Garner wants you to know she's not high-maintenance. In fact, one time the entire Batfleck family got lice, which she shared on late night television.
When you repeat a conversation you had with someone annoying, you hardly ever mimic what they actually said or the way they said it. Instead, you assign them these creature-like voices and hand gestures. You know they don't talk like that. We know they don't talk like that. It's a tacit social understanding. This is what happened when Jennifer Garner talked lice with Jimmy Fallon — complete with an impression of husband Ben Affleck that was spot on, mopey face and all.
During an appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon Wednesday night, the actress recounted a time when Batfleck really wanted her to go to a party with him. She was reluctant because her entire beautifully perfect family had lice. The way she mimics his desperation and pleading is exactly the way we imagine he would — like the bro he secretly is.