We’re All Committing Digital Infidelity

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Digital infidelity sounds like sneaking off to Ello when your closest pals are still on Facebook. In reality, it's the techy term for something a lot of us are guilty of: forming emotional relationships with people via social media sites even though you've got a flesh-and-blood mate right in your bed. Yeah, girl. We know all about those "just catching up" IMs with your ex.
According to researchers from the University of Indiana, loved-up Facebook users are using the site to seek out potential Plan B partners. These "back-burners" (update your dating lexicon now) could be exes, platonic friends you outrageously flirt with, or, say, that cutie you met at the bar last week. Instead of shacking up at some access-road motel, digital infidelity is all done online. All you need is a steady wifi connection and some winking emojis, and you're good to go.
Researchers found that people in relationships had — on average — conversations of a romantic or sexual nature with two people besides their lover. Male respondents had twice as many back-burners as females. Then again, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks did the exact same thing in You've Got Mail, so...
By now, you're no doubt scanning through your partner's friends list and giving the evil eye to every potential back-burner you see. Sure, you could always spy on their account and catch them in the act. Or, you could simply nurture some back-burners of your own. After all, didn't your mom just let it slip that your old prom date is going through a divorce? It's not right, but it's okay. (Washington Post)

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