Get Ready To Be Even More Obsessed With Robert Downey Jr.

robertdownjr-embedPhoto: BEImages/Matt Baron.
Robert Downey Jr. has a movie coming out this Friday, which can only mean one thing: It's Reddit AMA time. The movie is called The Judge, but that's basically the last thing the good people of Reddit want to know about Tony Stark RDJ. Don't have time to read through the whole AMA? Ain't no thang. We've compiled Downey Jr.'s best answers right here. And, yes, as we suggest above, get ready to get just that much more obsessed with the magic of RDJ.

He was once kicked out of jazz class.
"I'm an okay dancer. I remember attending modern jazz classes in New York when I was a teenager, and instructors stopping the class and asking me if I wouldn't mind leaving."


He's worn his Chaplin costumes to theme weddings.
"I remember after doing Chaplin, 12 boxes arriving from the studio, I think there were 56 outfits. I'm sure I have 3 or 4 left. I donated some, wore some for theme weddings...I wish I'd kept 'em all. It would be fun to do a retrospective."

He'll be releasing his next jazz album very soon.
"Somebody asked me that the other night. I guess I'd better get back in the studio. And it would be fun to make a more orchestral attempt at songwriting...Now I guess I should go directly to the studio from this AMA. The next album will be out tomorrow morning, if I get crackin'!"

His greatest accomplishments are...
"In order of occurrence: Indio, Exton, and the daughter we're having in November."

He appreciates his on-point facial hair, too. "It started with the first Iron Man: a guy named Pedro from Shave of Beverly Hills. I mean, this guy's an artist. He's like the Edward Scissorhands of Mustaches and Beards. And then, once you set a standard, it's all about upkeep and modulating it. It tends to be a lot of work, but I'm glad you appreciate it."

He really wants to hang out with these three people:
"Elon Musk, [Indianapolis Colts quarterback] Andrew Luck, Anderson Cooper."

You'll be surprised to learn that...
"I require at least one bath per day."

He finally picks his favorite superhero.
"My two-year-old is fond of Hawkeye, so just for today, he'll top my list."


He'd love to be on Drunk History, and this is who he'd portray.
"Probably our hemp-headed forefathers. I guess they'd be called Founding Fathers. I'm pretty sure Jefferson grew a bunch of weed..."

He doesn't understand why Downy hasn't contacted him to be a spokesperson.
"I'm incensed. There's no E in their Downy, so if they wouldn't mind a rebrand with an additional vowel, I'd meet them halfway."

He's joining Instagram. Expect cat photos.
"If he'll sign the waiver, it should be quite a barrage. I haven't cleared it with his agent yet. By the way, we have two cats. Both extremely photogenic." (Reddit)

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