I know that this stems from having sex and masturbating in my early teens, which meant I had to be deathly silent in order to not get caught by my parents and my partners' parents. I get so self-conscious about this issue that I fake moans and even orgasms to make sex end quicker so I don’t have to prolong the anxiety and paranoia I feel. Do you have any advice to help me become more vocal? Does it come with time or a greater amount of trust? How can I help my anxiety surrounding the issue?

I have developed serious self-esteem issues since my ex claims he initially just used this woman for sex, and she is an obese woman. I've worked hard at staying fit at this guy's demand, but then he chose her over me. He also makes me think my sexual skills are lacking and has told me that "large" women try harder. How do I handle getting over this? Normally I find myself sympathetic to large people, but I've come to dislike ads geared toward them. I realize this is a sensitive subject matter, but how do I handle this? Am I the only one who has felt this way?