Michelle Obama Made A “Turn Down For What” Vine

It's the age-old question. For what — if anything — does one turn down? DJ Snake and Lil Jon were among the first to ask this question publicly. And, since their March hit, they've sparked a national debate.
Iman Crosson, an actor who impersonates President Obama from time to time, wondered what Michelle Obama's turn up/down habits were like. He posed the question to the FLOTUS on Twitter, asking her in a Vine: "Here's a question for the First Lady. On average, how many calories do you burn every time you turn up?"
Unable to resist an opportunity to plug healthy eating, the First Lady responded with a bit of mom humor. And, being the rad woman and cool mom that she is, said response was also a Vine.
Is this the best Vine, ever? Probably. Are Sasha and Malia giving the biggest eye-roll and going, "Mommmmmm?" You bet.

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