Kristen Stewart Is Ditching Acting For Art

Photo: BEImages/Henry Lamb/Photowire/BEImages.
Kristen Stewart sure did pick a bad time to leave the acting game. In a recent interview with USA Today, the 24-year-old actress revealed her surprising plans for a hiatus.
"I'm an actor and that's my art form, and because I started that so young, I've always felt intimidated and insufficient when I think about other forms of art I want to create," she said. "I'm going to take so much time off. I'm going to buy a live-work space in downtown L.A. and I'm going to make some (stuff) with my hands."
While KStew's desire to get tactile is a noble one, the timing couldn't be worse. Her performances in Camp X-Ray, Still Alice, and Clouds of Sils Maria are earning her acclaim across the board. The "Guess what! Bella Swan can seriously act!" train is moving full steam ahead. Yes, that's a ton of movies and a lot of press tours, so her desire to change course does make sense in that respect.
"Literally, I made that decision a few weeks ago," Stewart said. "I'm making a short film. I'm making a bunch of (stuff). I don't know how I'll put it out. But I'm not going to hold it so preciously close to me. I write all the time."
Fine, KStew. When you put it that way, we can't be mad. We're just going to miss seeing you on the screen, that's all. Also, being a starving artist in Los Angeles is crazy expensive, so if you need help with rent, drop us a line. Our piggy bank is MAD fat. (USA Today)

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