Ever heard the expression "Don't bring a knife to a gunfight?" Well, it can be applied to a variety of situations. For example, Cara Delevingne tried to bring boobs to a balls PSA. And, it wasn't the message producers were going for.
Delevingne was tasked with making a PSA for England's Feeling Nuts Comedy Night, a testicular cancer awareness benefit featuring some of the U.K.'s biggest talents. Apparently, her only directive was to tell people to get in touch with their bodies. After all, if you don't know what's going on with yourself, how can you bring it to someone else's attention?
Unfortunately, no one specified to Cara which body parts she was supposed to tell people to check when they said to cup something. "Once a month, you need to grab them," Delevingne says as she starts massaging her breasts under her tank top. "Really give them a good squeeze."
"Cut!" the director yells from offscreen. "It's not about boobs; it's about balls."
"Little problem: I don't have any balls," Cara says.
But, this is someone who's making a first foray into acting, right? So, the director tells her use her imagination and "go with what you know." Unfortunately, her sense memory for having a penis isn't quite there yet.
When action is called, Delevingne matter-of-factly says, "Vaginas: They're amazing. They rule the world, and you should look after yours."
"Cut!" the director yells.
Well, at least they have a PSA for the eventual cervical cancer awareness special.