Katy Perry Gets Real About Depression

Photo: Getty Images Entertainment.
Katy Perry is an extremely public figure who went through a traumatic experience when her marriage to Russell Brand ended in 2011. Now, she's opening up about the dark period of depression she went through after the two split up. Perry penned the song "By the Grace of God" about the split, and she opened up about the meaning of the lyrics in a new interview with an Australian TV program.
"Couldn't take it anymore... I looked in the mirror and decided to stay / Wasn't gonna let love take me out that way," Perry sings in "By the Grace of God."
Was she alluding to suicidal thoughts? Yes, Perry confirmed. "Sometimes you can be blinded by your extreme emotions. I definitely was looking for answers during that time I wrote that song. And, yeah, I was depressed, and it was sad, and there were thoughts, but there were never actions, thankfully."
Perry continues to be open and candid when asked about the song and that period of her life in interviews. She went on, "I wanted to share that side of my story, because I know there are so many other people out there that have gone through things like that, and you always feel like you’re the only one going through that. You walk out the door, and you see someone you know, and they ask you how you are, and you just have to say you’re fine when you’re not really fine, but you just can’t get into it, because they would never understand. Well, then comes along a song that speaks to you, that makes you feel like ‘Gosh, I can get through this if she can get through this, I can get through this.’”
It's hard to hear about anyone going through such a heartbreaking experience. Still, it's extremely important that Katy Perry is willing to speak out about how she got through such a tough period in her life. Her words will be heard by millions of fans who might one day go through something very similar. It's helpful for everyone to know that they're not alone, and there are ways to get through darker times. (Hello Giggles)

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