Everyone In Mockingjay Loves Jennifer Lawrence

Part of Jennifer Lawrence's live act appeal is her nonchalant approach to the press. While some actors are poised and dignified, Lawrence is outspoken and self-confident. She's tongue-in-cheek, but sincere. She's everyone's token BFF.
Some might argue her schtick is contrived. Her Mockingjay cast mates would argue otherwise.
Rather than dwell on such pressing issues, MTV went for the jugular and asked the cast to relay their funniest Jennifer Lawrence story (because part of promoting The Hunger Games is dealing with the inevitable J Lawr question, don't cha know.
Is she really as funny as she makes herself out to be? Yes. Yes, she is. She's also, according to the likes of Julianne Moore and others, "down-to-earth," "funny," "generous," "funny," and "pure, honest, raw amazingness." Oh, did we mention she's funny? Because that's, like, the bird's word, apparently. (MTV)

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