One Direction Tries To Out-Selfie Ellen, Succeeds In Cuteness

What Ellen DeGeneres' Oscar selfie had in star power, Jimmy Kimmel's has in cuteness.
Is addition to airing another installment of Celebrities Read Mean Tweets, the late-night host had an agenda to snap the #CutestSelfieEver last night. Good thing Kimmel had One Direction as guests last night, because nothing screams cute more than five British boys with hair that looks sexy pushed back.
Actually, I take that back. I was beginning to doubt the cuteness of Kimmel's stunt until he brought out the one thing that screams cute louder than any surplus of boy bands, pink and purple hues, tiaras, unicorns, cats, and a "weird porno background" resembling Candy Land: Boo the Dog.
Now, I might be biased (there's a Boo stuffed animal on my desk), but there are but a few things more genuinely adorable than that lil' Pomeranian pup with a teddy bear hairdo. We wouldn't even be here having this selfie competition if Boo's plush mug was nestled in the space between Bradley Cooper's face and Ellen's shoulder in that Oscar selfie. But, alas, he's pictured with a strapping Harry Styles instead.
Your move, Ellen.

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