Harry Potter Fan Makes Amazing Mockups of Witch Weekly Magazine

UPDATE: Turns out that, in addition to Chloe's magical mock-ups, Witch Weekly is also a full-fledged online magazine. Luna Lovegood features in their next issue, out tomorrow. Mind blown.
Okay, let's get one thing out of the way here — yes, we know that in the books Witch Weekly was kind of a lowbrow gossip rag, surreptitiously scanned by Mrs. Weasley and known for perpetuating certain ridiculous rumors about Harry and Hermione. But, in this Harry Potter fan's world, it's a pretty classy publication that's put out some amazing cover stories on Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and even Fleur Delacour (consummate cover girl that she is!).
A Tumblr-tastic babe named Chloe, who is 19 and lives in London according to her bio, created these mock-ups of what Witch Weekly might look like, complete with typical headlines. Though we think Hermione definitely would have insisted on natural curls for her cover shoot, other than that, the mag is pretty much perfection. True Tumblr-ites might have already laid eyes on these when they were posted a few months back, but we just came across them and really can't think of anything better to perk up a sleepy mid-holiday workday.
Next up? Transfiguration Today, guest-edited by Minerva McGonagall, we hope.

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