Joseph Gordon-Levitt Marries Robotics CEO In Secret

Joseph Gordon-Levitt married his girlfriend, Tasha McCauley, on December 20, and kept it hush-hush until Wednesday night.
The fact that a major star is able to keep the identity of his girlfriend out of the public and then marry her without any media fanfare is notable in and of itself. But there's something much more interesting about the still-baby-faced Dark Knight Rises actor's nuptials: Tasha herself. Because not only is she not some young starlet, she's a freaking robotics engineer with an MBA who speaks three languages.
McCauley is the co-founder and CEO of Fellow Robots, a startup at NASA Research Park in Silicon Valley that's most recently known for bringing retail robots to stores like Lowe's. Strangely, she is not on the staff page of the Fellow Robots site now, and we wonder if that might be due to her newfound fame for non-robotic activities.
Just read this interview with her about her approach to innovation, and you'll know she's the real deal. Or watch her give a speech about telepresence technologies and possibly fall in love with her brain on the spot.
Of course, JGL is no dunce himself. The actor, who attended Columbia University (but dropped out), founded his own collaborative production company HitRECord, and wrote/directed/starred in 2013's Don Jon.
Congrats to this brainy and beautiful couple!

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