Justin Bieber’s New BFF is Michael Jackson’s Son, Prince

Photo: BEImages/Matt Baron
This sounds like a promising way to kick off 2015: Justin Bieber's newest cohort — and possible future music collaborator — is Michael Jackson's 17-year-old son Prince, who lives near the Canuck in Calabasas, CA. Boxer Floyd "Money" Mayweather, Jr. is serving as their de facto life coach.
A source told Page Six, "'Money' has been offering a lot of advice to Prince, including about women. It's not as if he can turn to his family, because they've got their own thing going and they've never really had time for Prince, Paris or Blanket anyway."
About that female advice? According to Deadspin, Mayweather's history "includes at least seven separate physical assaults on five different women that resulted in arrest or citation, as well as several other instances where the police had to be summoned in response to an actual or perceived threat from Mayweather." You can read more about these assaults over at Deadspin if you feel up to it.
Mayweather is also encouraging Prince and Bieber to work together on music projects, with a possible album in the works. Although Bieber's been up to various public shenanigans for years, he's still got a veritable army of Beliebers that will shell out cold hard cash for a new album. Where's Scooter Braun when we need him most? [Vulture]

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