Kendall Jenner Is Now A Wall Street Journal Columnist

Photo: Matt Baron/BEImages.
First, Taylor Swift weighed in on the future of music. Now, the Wall Street Journal has invited model-of-the-moment Kendall Jenner to be its new columnist. Well, kind of. Some people wait a lifetime to be asked to contribute to the esteemed paper, and this probably feels like a slap in the face to them. Before you invite everyone to participate in a ceremonial burning of your journalism degree, however, please note that Jenner being called an official columnist is a bit of an overstatement.  In reality, Kendall is one of the six luminaries who was asked to contribute a quote for WSJ. Magazine's monthly feature called "The Columnists." Again, don't take the name too seriously. What Jenner and the five other panelists have to say is nowhere near as long as the op-ed Taylor Swift penned back in July. All Kendall and this month's contributors — who also include Tim Howard, Goldie Hawn, Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Dr. Frederic Brandt, and Maira Kalman — had to do was wax rhapsodic (and be succinct) on February's chosen topic of youth.  Here's what Jenner had to say: "I feel like I grew up too fast a long time ago. Having older siblings, you grow up around adults, so you mature more quickly. I saw my sisters and parents working every day, so I was pretty much brought up to be a workaholic. But I just turned 19 a couple weeks ago, and I’m scared to be 20 — it’s the first step out of being a teenager. My sister Khloé always says to me and my younger sister, Kylie: You have your whole life to be an adult but only so long to be a kid. And we get it. In the right situations, I try to be as immature as I can sometimes — react to things as if I were 12. You can’t take things too seriously. I just laugh thinking about my dad being a teenager, partying. It’s the funniest thing. And it makes me think — what am I going to be like when I’m 65?" Ah youth. Is it really wasted on the young, as they say? Not if Kendall Jenner has anything to say about it. (WSJ. Magazine)

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