Mindy Kaling Doesn’t Need Marriage

Photo: Courtesy of Good Housekeeping.
That whole Jerry Maguire "you complete me" business isn't for Mindy Kaling. She's perfectly capable of taking care of herself and don't need no man to fulfill her desires.
"When I was younger, I wanted so badly to be married and have kids in a rush," the Mindy Project star tells Good Housekeeping. Referring to how devoted her parents were to one another, Kaling jokes how she doesn't know whether it will happen, but quickly clarifies how she doesn't need it in the first place. "I don't need marriage," she adds. "I can take care of them myself now."
All that's thanks to some advice her mother gave her before her mom passed away in January 2012. "Always be your own best friend," her mother instructed when Kaling asked for her to impart some wisdom.
That attitude helped her dive into her own show that, coincidentally enough, was picked up by Fox the day her mom died. It's also helping her navigate the world of adulthood and living her most authentic life. Kaling tells Good Housekeeping that part of being her own best friend is setting aside some time for herself each week and going on a "comically slow run."
As far as dating? She's doing it, but it's not the most important thing. She'd rather live permanently in those "first three months of courtship" because "who doesn't like a nice heavy seven-course meal with lots of alcohol, then making out when you're a little tipsy and taking a cab home to fall asleep in the clothes you wore on the date?" No one, girl. Hell, we'd love to take our own selves out to a seven-course meal with lots of alcohol. It's all about being your own best friend, right?
Check out Mindy Kaling's full interview here or pick it up for yourself when Good Housekeeping's February issue hits stands on January 20.
Photo: Courtesy of Good Housekeeping.

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