Taylor Swift Goes On Vacation, Makes Us All Jealous

As New Yorkers braced themselves for a blizzard of supposedly historic proportions, one notable Big Apple resident was absent. Taylor Swift, the city's Global Welcome Ambassador, traded the 20-inch snowfall prediction for Hawaii's warm, sunny forecast. The result: major vacation envy and serious beachwear inspiration. 
For her well-timed getaway, Swift translated her vintage-inspired aesthetic into retro silhouettes. The singer frolicked along a beach in Maui with the Haim sisters wearing a polka-dot one-piece suit, oversized cat-eye lenses, and red cloche hat. Ever the resourceful traveler, Swift also brought along two pairs of shoes — sand-appropriate sandals and feminine leather flats to change into. 
This mid-winter vacay has been fruitful for Swiftie and fans alike: She got a well-deserved break from the New York cold, while her followers finally got closure on one of the hot-button issues of the year. Nothing could put a damper on her stay in paradise — seriously, nothing. Now, we're using Swift's tropical ensemble to inform our own upcoming travels. (Spring break, anyone?) Ahead, find some inspiration for your next getaway.