The British are coming!
As part of Vanity Fair's sprawling Hollywood issue, photographer Jason Bell directed a short film to go along with some of the glossy mag's portraits of the heady Brits invading our shores. "Victory Is Assured" tweaks scenes and lines from famous movies like Bonnie and Clyde, To Have and Have Not, and Gone With the Wind, to great effect. However, it's Keira Knightley's public O that steals the show.
Keira Knightley channels Meg Ryan in that infamous orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally, although the restaurant Knightley's at looks a lot fancier than Katz's Deli on the Lower East Side. Who could forget the zingy zingy rejoinder from director Rob Reiner's mom, Estelle, that follows? In this case, Dame Judi Dench is the one who'd like to "have what she's having." Hey, can you make that a double order? [Vanity Fair]