We know that you love us and that we love you, as they say, “to have and to hold, in sickness and in health.” Which is great and all, but how are you expected to have and hold us when you can’t actually...hold us?! Well, we solved that. Refinery29 is proud to announce its first-ever printed zine. 
Aptly named Refinery29 Editions (or, should we say #R29Editions) this dual-sided inaugural issue, themed around “Hot Style/Cool Fashion” is bisected in order to explore both winter style inspiration and upcoming spring trends. Basically, it brings all the fashion goodness, empowering interviews, and quirky thought-starters you already covet on our site into the physical world. We've got trend reports by your trusted style editors, illustrations by artist Alia Penner, words by Amber Ibarreche, and even limericks from a little known poet among us. Except this time, it's in a new, larger-than-life format so you can read it en route to a fashion show, over coffee with a friend, or, you know, every night before you go to sleep. 
You can pick up R29 Editions (at the very low price of FREE) at some of the hotspot locations named within its pages, like The Bowery Hotel, American Two Shot, and The Smile. Or, try to wave down one of our brand ambassadors distributing it at Lincoln Center and The Standard High Line. Then, do as the zine tells you and snap a photo in the shoe-selfie centerfold, get the conversation started with some icebreakers, and get excited for spring fashion — despite the snow on the ground. 

This is us, IRL, and it’s so nice to finally meet you in person.