This Glorious Photo Series Shatters The “Cat Lady” Stereotype

There may be plenty of feline lovers in this world, but not everyone likes to be called a "cat lady." The moniker has become synonymous with a certain kind of "romantically challenged" female who is destined for spinsterhood. This iconic clip from The Simpsons cements the quintessential characteristics of the stereotype — grumpy, eccentric, and most importantly, single.
But, what about the men who adore cats? Photographer and noted cat-Instagrammer David Williams set out to shine a spotlight on them, for once. He began taking pictures of his male friends and acquaintances at home with their beloved pets back in 2009. His passion project resulted in "Men & Cats," a photo series shot in NYC and Denver, Colorado. "I wanted to show that gender does not matter when it comes to pet companionship," Williams told us. "A good owner is just anyone that shows love and compassion towards their pet — whether it be a cat, dog, or rabbit." We couldn't have said it better ourselves.
Click through to see the heartwarming photos. And, next time someone calls you out for being obsessed with cats, wear it like a badge of honor. You're in great company.
Check out Chloë Sevigny's directorial debut of her Shatterbox Anthology film Kitty on and Comcast Watchable.

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