Coach Taylor Has One Last Request Of Tim Riggins

Photo: Erik Pendzich/REX USA.
Kyle Chandler is the star of Netflix's new original thriller Bloodline. But, in our heart of hearts, he's still Coach Taylor of the Dillon Panthers — or the East Dillon Lions, whichever half of the series you prefer. We're always going to see him as the father figure who's firm, but relatable and cool. We had the chance to speak with Chandler at the Bloodline premiere Tuesday night. Naturally, we had to ask him about Friday Night Lights. When we wondered what he would tell Tim Riggins if he had one last thing to say to him, Chandler perfectly replied, "Get a haircut." Have you ever heard anything more Coach Taylor-esque in your life? It may as well be a line from the show: Clear eyes, full hearts, number two trim all around. While we don't necessarily support a Riggins haircut, we do support Chandler's consistent doling out of advice, even years after the show ended. Texas forever.

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