Sarah Jessica Parker Just Gave Tom Hanks The Dirtiest Look

Are Carrie Bradshaw and Forrest Gump embroiled in some sort of secret beef? Is the lady who loved Big not a fan of the overgrown kid from Big? Is it possible that someone on the planet didn't get the memo that a universal love for Tom Hanks is required for humanity to survive?
That's what we're wondering now that we've seen what is quite possibly the best Vine to ever surface. In the best display of shade since Pharrell iced Taylor Swift at the Grammys, Sarah Jessica Parker — who turns 50 years old today! — was caught on camera giving what appeared to be a dirty look directed at national treasure Tom Hanks during last night's New York Rangers game. Or, maybe that wad of gum she was chewing was annoying her to no end and Hanks just happened to be nearby. Either way, we haven't seen an expression this surly since our favorite sex columnist crossed paths with a scrunchie.
Don't take it personally, Hanksy. You'll always have Wilson, and he's only got one look.
OPENER IMAGE: Everett Collection/REX USA.

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