Here’s How People REALLY Feel About Sex Parties & Open Relationships

Photographed By Lauren Perlstein.
In partnership with YouGov, The Huffington Post recently conducted a poll of 906 American adults to answer the question: How do people really feel about sex parties and open relationships? After the much-hyped stateside expansion of U.K.-based sex club Killing Kittens (and HuffPo's recent coverage of Brooklyn's Chemistry sex party), media attention towards the subject is, well, peaking. But, both sex parties and non-monogamous relationships in general still attract only a slim minority of people. Of those surveyed, 86% had never been in an open relationship; 3% were in one at the time of the survey (March 17-18, 2015), while 10% had been in one in the past and 2% declined to answer. The majority (72%) of those surveyed wouldn't even consider being in an open relationship, while 14% would and 13% weren't sure. Meanwhile, 9% of respondents had attended a sex party, while 89% had not and 2% didn't answer (hm, wonder if they were the same 2% who skipped the previous two questions of this anonymous survey). Only a slim margin of those who hadn't attended a sex party would be willing to, with a total of 13% of respondents open to the idea. Three quarters of respondents gave a firm "no" to the prospect, 12% weren't sure, and 1% dodged the question. So, if non-monogamy (and/or events at which people engage in sex with multiple strangers) isn't your speed, you're not alone. You do you. But, if sex parties are calling to you, don't shy away from trying one out. Check out our sex-party-newcomer tips here.

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