10 Great Foods For When You Just Need To Eat Your Emotions

One of my favorite people in the food space is not a chef or a food blogger, but an actress. Nope, not Gwyneth Paltrow — I'm talking about Amy Sedaris. If you've read her hilarious cookbook, I Like You: Hospitality Under The Influence, then you already know about her genius Fuck It Bucket (FIB) concept. For those who haven't read it, here's how Sedaris explains it: 
"Get a one gallon paint pail, fill it with candy, write 'Fuck it Bucket' on it, [and] when shit gets you down, just say Fuck It, and eat some motherfuckin' candy." (Apparently, this idea originally comes from her brother, Paul.) 
From the moment I read this, I loved it. Everyone has bad days, and sometimes there's nothing you can do to make it better. Just curl up with your favorite food and drink and eat your feelings. As an homage to Amy, we asked some of our fashion and food peeps — including Anthony Bourdain, Leandra Medine of Man Repeller, and celeb pastry chef Dominique Ansel — what's in their FIBs. And, we put a spin on it: What if your FIB was like Mary Poppins' magic bag, and you could fit anything inside of it? 
My own FIB is any kind of pasta with pesto, drowned in way too much olive oil, with Parmesan. I top it off with a never-ending bottle of pinot noir. What's yours? Share it with us by tweeting @refinery29 using the hashtag #FuckItBucket.

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