Why Amy Schumer Is So Important For Women

On Sunday night, Amy Schumer will host the 2015 MTV Movie Awards. This is exciting, because you know Schumer's going to be hilarious. But, it's also a huge moment for women in comedy. No, this isn't about women finally proving once and for all that we're funny. That's not even a conversation anymore. This is about the brand of comedy Schumer's consistently delivering. She doesn't shy away from feminism. In any given set, she's discussing issues women face every day, but don't necessarily talk about. She's also made huge strides in the way women are portrayed and discussed in the media. Below, just seven of the reasons why Schumer is important for women everywhere. Because "Pussy" Shouldn't Be Censored On TV
She and her team got Comedy Central to let her say the word "pussy" uncensored on Inside Amy Schumer. Their argument? If you can say "dick," why not "pussy?" Because Jokes Should  Be Inappropriate
When #AskHerMore began trending earlier this year, Schumer joined the conversation with #AskHimLess. Some people weren't into it, saying it was taking away from the movement. But, this is just an example of how Schumer's always thinking about lady causes. Because Every Woman Should Be Proud Of Her Body
She thanked Entertainment Weekly for not airbrushing her April cover. "For real very cool. Thank you. Proud size six yo!" she wrote on TwitterBecause She Doesn't Shy Away From Feminism
Not every female celebrity identifies as feminist. But, Schumer said she so ardently believes in it that she may as well tattoo it on her clit. She was likely joking about getting the ink, but her sentiment rings true. "Social and political equality for women. I think if you're against that, you're crazy. You're a crazy person." Because She's An Expert At Handling Trolls
When a reporter wrote that she was "chubby" and "not conventionally attractive" in her upcoming Trainwreck role, Schumer responded with a series of powerful Instagrams. "I am a size six and have no plans of changing," she wrote. "This is it. Stay on or get off. Kisses!" Because In A World That Pits Us Against Each Other, She Praises Other Women
Like Tilda fucking Swinton. Because She Uses Her Comedy To Tackle The Tough Stuff
In one fell swoop she's talking about military rape, body image, and calling out the privilege that having a penis seems to give people. 

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