Kelly Clarkson On Putting Sex First

Photo: Courtesy Redbook.
Never mind that beautiful baby on the cover. Kelly Clarkson may be posing alongside infant daughter River Rose in the May issue of Redbook, but the cover girl isn't about to let her new mama status get in the way of getting real about sex. (And, yes, Redbook designers, that arrow on the cover is very awkwardly placed.) The pop star opened up about body image — “I don’t obsess about my weight, which is probably one of the reasons why other people have such a problem with it" — in the issue, but seemed far more interested in talking about what makes her and husband Brandon Blackstock tick. Go ahead and grab a notepad. 
“I always swore ours would not be a relationship where we have to schedule sex," Clarkson told the magazine. "That is never going to happen. We put each other first. I call it the oxygen-mask mentality — take care of yourself first!”  

Totally stealing that term. The singer also has a refreshing view on maintaining independence within her marriage. "Brandon is not my other half," she insisted. "He's a whole and I'm a whole. I've never believed in someone taking care of me, and that's probably because I grew up poor and without a lot of family stability."   Once Miss Independent, always Miss Independent. 

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