Sofia Vergara Reportedly Being Sued Over Frozen Embryos By Ex

Photo: Matt Baron/BEImages.

Nick Loeb is reportedly suing his ex-girlfriend Sofia Vergara over the
future of the couple's two cryopreserved embryos. In Touch obtained the paperwork for the lawsuit that was filed in August
2014 and then refiled this month under the name John Doe, with Vergara
referred to as Jane Doe throughout.

"John seeks to save from destruction two cryopreserved
Female Embryos created using John's sperm and Jane's ova for the purposes of
attempting to have children. However, before the Female Embryos could be
implanted in a surrogate, the Parties ended their relationship."

to the legal paperwork, the two disagreed about what should be done if either partner
died. "Jane insisted that in such a circumstance, the Female Embryos be
thawed with no further action. John did not agree with Jane and refused to
initial his agreement regarding that term."

However, John Doe eventually relented. "Jane insisted
that John agree to the destruction of the Female Embryos under that
circumstance, and began vigorously berating him in the offices. John Doe signed
this portion of the Former Directive, even though he did not agree with it, in
order to avoid further abuse."

Not only is Loeb is reportedly suing Vergara, but the clinic as well — in order to keep
the clinic from destroying the embryos. Vergara, however, has yet to comment publicly on the lawsuit. (Yahoo!)

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