UPDATE: That Was Not Ariana Grande’s Dad Scolding Big Sean

UPDATE: A publicist for Ariana Grande says the Instagram account (that is set to private) attributed to Edward Butera is fake. That begs the question, who on earth has the time or inclination to masquerade as a celebrity's parent? Big Sean, meanwhile, may resume commenting on the city of his birth.
You can be a hugely famous pop star, tour all over the world, and lip sync with Justin Bieber, but, at the end of the day, your pops is still going to embarrass you at every opportunity. Of course, we see the efforts made by Ariana Grande's father, Edward Butera, as rather sweet and protective. And, if it means fewer guys think it's a good idea to blast details of their sex life on social media, Eddie should be getting a Father of the Year award. Big Sean, however, may not be so amused. Grande's rapper boyfriend made the mistake of posting the below Instagram, including the comment: "I give her that D... #Detroit."

I give her that D... #Detroit

A photo posted by BIGSEAN (@bigsean) on

Papa Butera wasted no time in submitting a comment along with a touching photo of him with his little girl.
Awkward, but it had to be done. Props to Mr. Butera for reminding Big Sean that his daughter is a lady. More props for reminding us that — crap — our parents are out there, lurking around our social media profiles. Time to go underground. (Elite Daily)

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