Kanye West Flew To Belgium To Buy Wood For His Kitchen

Anyone even peripherally aware of Kanye West knows that he is a man of very particular tastes. Apparently that personality trait extends to his home furnishings — at least according to wife Kim Kardashian. Kardashian, who is currently on the media circuit to promote her soon-to-be-released book of selfies, Selfish, got frank about West’s decorating obsession on Jimmy Kimmel Live. “He’s so into it,” she said. “It’s become one of his passions.” Calling it a passion might be a bit of an understatement. The reality star revealed that her husband has flown to Fiji for fabrics and to Belgium to hunt down wood for the couple’s kitchen. “He’ll fly all over the world just to find the best furniture, fabrics, architects,” she told Kimmel. “He’s just really, really into it.” We can definitely imagine Kanye West meticulously picking out wallpaper and searching for the very finest and most dope of lighting fixtures. Come to think of it, home decor could be a natural extension of his fashion foray. He is the man who once tweeted that “fur pillows are hard to actually sleep on,” after all; he knows what he’s talking about.

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