WTF Were The Cavs Thinking With This Domestic-Violence-Tinged Promo?

Photo: Jason Miller/Getty Images.
The Washington Post has drawn our attention to a deeply confusing promo video that the Cleveland Cavaliers created for their playoff series against the Chicago Bulls — and played in the Cavs stadium during game time. By deeply confusing, we mean, How the hell did anyone think that this was okay to write, shoot, or air?  

The spot is apparently a spoof of a United HealthCare commercial in which a couple attempts a Dirty-Dancing-style lift (and fails catastrophically, of course). In the promo, a male Cavs fan discovers that his female partner roots for the Bulls; when she leaps into his arms, he throws her to the ground. "Bulls fan? I didn't know you were a Bulls fan!" he yells. "I can't believe she's a Bulls fan," he mutters as he walks away, and the camera cuts to the woman lying on the floor, groaning. It only gets better worse from there. We're almost as put off by the atrocious acting as we are by the flippant reference to domestic abuse. Almost.  View the cringeworthy video below. Then, for an NBA misstep that's actually funny, see Shaquille O’Neal's wipeout on national TV yesterday, which (with Shaq's blessing) has already launched a thousand memes. We'd rather make light of a moment of klutziness than, you know, partner violence.

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