Your Horoscope For This Week — May 17 2015

Grab your tablets and hold your cell phones a little tighter. Yep, it’s that time of year again. This Monday, Mercury makes a U-turn and goes retrograde until June 11. This thrice-yearly signal-scrambler can throw us off our communication game big-time. And, it doesn’t help matters much that this retrograde is taking place in Gemini — the sign that rules wordplay, digital devices, scheduling and, yep, communication in general. Double up on the precautionary measures this time around. Think before you tweet, post, or blurt out your “honest opinion” to a “friend.” Be careful what you put in writing now — from snarky emails to contracts signed in haste.
Mercury retrogrades ARE good for some things, namely all “re” based activities like reuniting with old friends, reviewing, revamping, and revising. On Thursday, the cosmic forecast brightens when the sun joins Mercury in Gemini until June 21. The urge to merge gets stronger with the sun in the sign of the twins. Vet those prospects carefully and you could be half of a dynamic duo before the summer solstice!      


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