Tracy Morgan Gives Emotional Interview A Year After Car Crash

In June 2014, comedian Tracy Morgan was critically injured when a tractor trailer struck his vehicle. Fellow comedian James McNair was killed in the crash. This morning, Morgan gave his first interview since the accident in which he nearly lost his life. "I can't believe I'm here. I can't believe I'm in front of you," Morgan told Today's Matt Lauer in an appearance alongside his attorney Benedict Morelli. He doesn't remember the accident. His memory picks up from the moment he woke up from his coma, and he hasn't forgotten his fiancé, Megan, friends, and family. He mentioned getting calls from Tina Fey, who continuously checked up on him. When Lauer asked him about McNair, he began to cry. Two weeks after Morgan came out of his coma, he learned his friend had died. "Every day, I would watch the accident on YouTube," he told Lauer. "One day, I came across his funeral on YouTube, and I lost it for about a week." When Lauer asked why he would do this, Morgan responded, "I had to know what happened to my friend. I had to pay my respects, and that was my way." The comedian showed some scars on his head and talked about how he sometimes forgets things and gets headaches and nosebleeds. "I won't even let my lady know about it because I don't want her to worry." Morgan and Walmart recently reached a settlement, The Wrap reports — it was the retailer's truck that hit the comedian's limo. "I'm happy that Walmart stepped up to the plate in a tremendous way," he told Lauer. "They took full responsibility and I'm just really happy they looked out for Jimmy Mack's family." Though, he acknowledges there's no true way to make amends for his real loss. "Bones heal, but the loss of my friend will never heal." Discussing his goals for the future, Morgan told Lauer his main focus is on getting better. "I love comedy…I can't wait to get back to it," he said. " But right now my goal is just to heal and get better because I'm not 100% yet. When I'm there, you'll know." You can watch Morgan's full interview here.

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